One-Handed Driving - A Comprehensive Guide


One-Handed Driving


One-handed driving refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle using only one hand on the steering wheel. This driving technique can be used in certain circumstances, but it is generally discouraged according to the MTO (Ministry of Transportation) in Canada.

Significance and Context

In the context of MTO Canada driving, one-handed driving is typically discouraged due to safety reasons. The MTO advises that drivers keep both hands on the wheel for optimal control of the vehicle. However, one-handed driving might be unavoidable in certain situations, such as when a driver needs to operate other vehicle controls.

Real-Life Example

For instance, a driver may need to use one hand to adjust the car's heating or air conditioning system, or to operate the radio while driving. In such scenarios, one-handed driving is practiced. However, it is crucial to return both hands to the steering wheel as soon as possible.

Detailed Explanation

One-handed driving can compromise a driver's ability to react swiftly and accurately to sudden changes or emergencies on the road. The reduced control could potentially lead to accidents. Therefore, it's essential to limit the use of one-handed driving as much as possible. In the context of MTO Canada driving, learning proper two-handed steering techniques and maintaining this practice is strongly encouraged for all drivers.


In summary, while one-handed driving might be unavoidable in certain situations, it is generally discouraged due to the potential safety risks. The MTO Canada advises drivers to always aim for a two-handed grip on the steering wheel whenever possible to maintain optimal control of their vehicles.

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